Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Itiniary for December 19, 2007


Long winding highways for miles on end;
Snow for awhile, but then all of a sudden turns into beautiful grass lying beneath the power of built up rock.
A handsome man sitting behind the wheel, whistling softly, now and then turning his head to glance in my direction only to see me smiling in contentment.
1 hour.
The sun never stops shining its warmth down on the tint of the ice blue color of our drive beating more and more;
Our pants rolled up to our knees, hoping for a glimpse of mountain wind overtaking the heat of the cotton that capitavited the skin this long.
Wrappers overtake the backseat along with coats, mitten, hats, and sweaters;
10 hours.
Almost there. Only 9 more to go.
Lights shimmer as we get nearer and nearer to our destination.
Mice swarm to and fro from our messy amount of hair attached to our tired sore heads;
Imagine a soft warm pillow replacing the hardness of the backseat head rest;
stretching our legs and escaping the trapped doors of the machine taking us to the great wall.
16 hours.
Surrounded by the great wall of stone.
Magnificant sight of cracks, stone, broken trees, strong trees, and thousands and thousands of sand.
Once in a blue moon will be see large bodies of untouched water stare back at us in amazment as we continue to drive on.
The roads never straighten, but swerve higher and higher into the sky.
A house appears.
And then another.
20 minutes.
Found map beneath the wrappers of our once existed seat;
More hugs.


1 comment:

The Wisper said...

Ooh, you are all poetic... that sounds like fun. Hopefully you are having as much fun as the poem sounds.