Friday, December 14, 2007

Finally its Friday...

Good Morning to anyone who reads this.

Its Friday. TGIF.

I hope everyone has a really good weekend. Unfortuantely for Grant, he just came down with a nasty head cold.. that sucks. I sure hope I don't get it. So far so good I'd say. I came into work and I don't feel any sign of sickness.. yea! :)

So, I am just going to ramble.. kind of use this blog like a diary. A place where you can jot down words, phrases, sentenses about pretty much anything. They don't necessarily have to make sense, or flow into an actual thought.. just a simple way of free-writing.

I really hope Grant comes home tonight from Calgary. Although, thinking about it he might find it hard if he's really tired. I wish I were with him. I would help him drive. Let him sleep the whole way home.

So, my schedule for Saturday consists of this:

a) sleep in as much as I can on Saturday
b) If grant comes home, I probably won't go into work on Saturday at 11:00
c) Do laundary - perferably towels only since my other laundary is finished already
d) look to see if I can get a massage somewhere
e) pay my credit card bill and find grace rosenberg's christmas gift
f) see if someone can fix my dresser - or a dresser that I adopted from a BOY (needs lots of work) lol
g) take a nap.


The Wisper said...

Don't get sick! How will any of us go on our trips if we are sick? :) Grant had better get better soon.

Your blog is awesome. Now as long as we can keep it up this time...

MedinaR said...

your title needs a "h" in it. :) lol whisper. :) lol Unless you meant to spell it that way.